Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tanking less, dps'ing more

So, I started this blog, and almost immediately stopped tanking. See, dual specs got me sidetracked from my tanking focus (b/c it's irresistably fun to watch those dps numbers climb higher and higher), and then I though, hmm, why not roll and alt (I'm a bit of an altoholic anyway).

So I rolled a priest, who is now up to level 40--the highest I've ever gotten a toon besides my main toon (lvl 80 warrior, and the original focus of this blog).

It turns out, I really enjoy playing a priest. Right now she's shadow spec'd and dpsing as a caster is a blast, and I love healing in instances too. In fact at the moment, I'm using my level 80 warrior to raise enough money for my newly dinged 40 priest to dual spec as well. I'm shameless.

Now if only I could level my mage up, too....

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