Saturday, March 21, 2009

On Being Def Capped

I guess there are a couple of things I want to mention about this. First is the proud, epeen moment where I announce that I AM, in fact, def capped. But there is the humbling realization that most tanks are way, way beyond that, and I still have so very far to go.

But, before I really get into where I go from here, I want to talk about how exactly I got HERE.

First off, enough cannot be said about the info at Tankspot. If you are a new/aspiring tank (or even any other kind of raider, looking for some good vids on boss strats) you should head over there RIGHT NOW. Ciderhelm's Easy 540 Defense Guide is a Godsend, as is the WoTLK Prot Warrior Guide.

Frankly, though, I didn't really use these the way I think they should be used. I didn't look down the list for something I needed and then go after it by farming an instance. No, I pretty much scanned through the defense guide, and got myself AtlasLoot, and then ran heroics. AND, I have a great guild, so I picked up some items simply b/c people were generous and passed them on to me.

Sometime in the midst of that I found this video (also by Ciderhelm over on Tankspo), and it gave me a really clear idea about how to pull--some of the info seems fairly obvious, but it was HUGELY helpful to me, just to see the examples laid out clearly, and to think about how pulls could work in different scenarios.

As far as where I go from here? Well, I think I've written enough for today, and will save that for tomorrow (or later today, depending on how late I'm up tonight!).

Though, if you're bored, and you haven't already, WoW Insider's blog this weekend is a nice read!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Meet the TiT

Yeah, I'm a TiT.

It's a title I wear pretty proudly around my guild, though when things go bad in a run I'm tanking, it usually gets yelled over vent or in party chat: TiT!!!!!! Who am I fooling? Even that makes me smile.

I dinged 80 about a month ago, and respecc'd to prot (I was a fury dps warrior for leveling). Tanking has ALWAYS been my goal in WoW, but I'm a slow leveler--I started playing about a year ago, but I only dinged 70 30 mins before Wrath of the Lich King came out, so this is my first real experience being capped.

So far, I've loved it. And, I've hated it. Tanking is hard, and sometimes, when my wife is healing, she yells at me. :P But I love the rush, I love making all the mobs come to me, and yeah, I do a little trash talking about what a big, bad, plate armored warrior I am. I mean, what? I'm def capped. :D

So, yeah, that's me, and here's where you'll here about my adventures in tanking, and learning to tank.